Homepages at iiNet

This article will answer some frequently asked questions about the the personal websites you can make.

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Good question! We've got a handy guide that should help beginners with the basics and also give advanced users the basic info they need to get started.

All free web spaces for our customers are limited to 1GB. If you need more space, you may want to consider our web hosting plans.

When your web pages are uploaded, your web address varies according to your username and internet service provider. This is a standard form of web address for all of our free web spaces. If you'd like your own web domain, please consider our domain hosting options.

iiNet uses Apache to serve its homepages. This is a Unix-based server.

The page which will appear as your homepage should be stored as index.html in your top directory. Note that all HTML files you place in iiNet's server should have an extension of .html. All scripted pages should have their appropriate extension.

No. The iiNet servers do not support Microsoft Frontpage Extensions.

  • Perl 5.8 (for CGI scripting). File extension is .cgi or .pl
  • PHP 4.3.10 (For standalone PHP scripts). File extension is .php
  • SSI. File extension is .shtml

No. iiNet does not provide any of the following:

  • MySQL or any other kind of SQL database
  • Microsoft Access databases

To add your site to search engines, a different process is involved for each service. Web search engines such as Google and Yahoo! regularly contact our site for new pages, and they will get automatically added. However, if you want to add your pages straight away, try making an AddMe submission.